The Lovely MsKathy has organized a great way for the Twilight fans to raise money to help ease the devastation in Haiti.
Donate at least $5 to a charity of your choice by 11:59PM January 24, 2010, to help Haiti, and you will receive a compilation of varying length pieces (not necessarily lemony, not necessarily TwiFic) from the following authors (in alpha order):
107yearoldvirgin, 22blue, 4lettrwrd, 4theluvofmary, 7 Stories, AccioBourbon, Adair7, afragilelittlehuman, ahizelm, AJ is My edward, AMayes, amelirawr, AmeryMarie, Amethyst Jackson, AngelAtTwilight, AngryBadgerGirl, annanabanana, antiaol, Aragornrocks, artbeatsandlife, Aspenleaf, AutumnDreamer, AzureEyedI, Babette12, bellasunderstudy1, Bella Baby24, bella c'ella luna, Bella's New Moon, belli486, bonnysammy, brandy-d, braziliangirl2, BriannaMarley, Bronzehairedgirl620, Browns, bsmog, catastrophes, charmizane, CherBella, ciaobella27, circe290, coldplaywhore, ColoursCollide, cosmogirl7481, Dahlia J Black, daisy3853, Danell, dariachenowith, Darkira, DarkMysteries24, DefinatelyStaying, Delilah Lovett, Desmosthenes91, DirtyCullen, duskwatcher2153, EchoesOfTwilight, ecullenitis, einfach mich, EJ Santry, EllaB twilight, emg78, enchanted-mind, evieeden, eye ree, FanpireMama, Fates-Love-Queen, Feisty Y. Beden, fiberkitty, Flightlessbird11, FloridaChickie, flute-genevive, funkymunky2511, gemmabobella, ginginlee, Gondolier, greeen goldfish, GreenEyedGirl17, GreenPuma, Grendelsmother, grown.ass.woman, HappyMess, HappyWanderer, heather dawn, his-tweet, His Sparlyness, Hmonster4, HookaShewz, hopeful wager, Hubert24601, hunterhunting, husmcn, IHateCleanBreaks, ilsuocantante, In.a.blue.bathrobe, Infinitypoet, IngenueFic, IvyandLime, jadedandboring, Jakeward, jennde, JenRar, jessypt, jjuliebee, juliebutterfly, Kassiah, katinki, katmom, Kay Cannon, kimbercullen, kimpy0464, KiyaRaven, KnittingVamp7, KrisBCullen, kyla713, La.Tua.Cantante.83, LadyQE, LaraIsAwkward, Le Crepuscule, legna989, letmesign, LexyW, Lillybellis, littlesecret84, lizconno, LolaShoes, luvrofink, M-Loves-Lemons, magan bagan, manyafandom, marie0912, MasenVixen, MBella, MeadowC, Megsly, Melissa228, mischief-maker1, mistresselektra, miztrezboo, mjinaspen, Mombailey, Mrs.Robward, MrsAC, MrsKatyCullen, MrsMcVampy, MrstheKing, mskathy, MyEdiction, naelany, nerac, nicnicd, ninapolitan, nitareality, nostalgicmiss, nowforruin, ObsessingOverEdward, OCDJen, onePushyfox, PerfectlyPersuasive, philadelphic, phoenixhunter47, PrettyInPrint, profmom72, qjmom, QuestionXisting, rachelcullen77, rmhale, RobotMoose, Saiyachick, SallyJupiter, ScarlettLetters, SebastienRobichaud, sepideh9, Shaelove, shalu, ShinyVolvoLurver, SinAndShame, siouxchef, sleepyvalentina, Snowqueens Icedragon, SnowWhiteHeart, snshyne, SorceressCirce, Sparabella, sparagus, starfish422, StarlightSuccubus, stupidsuckedinreader, SusanAshlea, SweetDulcinea, swill122, tarasueme, tby789, teacupsNmints, tellingmelies, thai flower, TFX, ThatPanicGirlE, The Very Last Valkyrie, thebrokenredheart, theladyingrey42, tima, tjbaby, tnuccio, twanza, TwiBoy, Twilighter620, twitina, u2shay, unicornhime, vampgirl18, Vixen1836, wandb, wantmywifeback, windycitywonder, WriteOnTime, wuogkat, yesyov
If you've already donated or would like to donate, please forward you receipt to twifans4haiti@gmail.com. If you're an author who would like to participate, you can fill out this form here.
Since Wednesday, Twilight fans have raised a total of $30,743.89
and the amount is growing every hour!
If you would like to participate in this great cause, you can donate here:

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