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Twilight Sisterhood is an unofficial fanpage dedicated to the world of the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer. We are in no way affiliated or have contact with Ms. Meyer; or anyone else involved with the publishing and/or filming of these stories. The articles, pictures, and news stories belong to their original suppliers and no copy right infringement was intended.
Check this out. My brother posted this on my wall and told me to enjoy. I didnt think much of it until I actually did click on the link. It's quite hilarious and very creative!
Kristen Stewart is now a red head...sorta, she unveiled her new look when she arrived at the David Letterman Show. Either way i like it and I never say nothing nice about her. Apparently, she lightened it for her next project.
Hi sisters!! Over a week ago I welcomed Emma aka @zoomage to my home for a 3 week stay at my home in Southern California! Since last year's New Moon Red Carpet Premiere she knew she wanted to be here for Eclipse so the planning began! It seemed touch and go for a minute there, but in the end it all worked out! The only thing she needed was a place to stay and well, the sisterhood in good fashion lent a hand! Here are some of our highlights that we shared during our stay in TENT CITY waiting for the Eclipse Red Carpet Premiere! One of the best moments that happened, no, not meeting and chatting with Rob Pattinson, but actually WINNING TICKETS TO THE PREMIERE ITSELF! Gah! It was amazing, we got to see Eclipse to end the night!
The ground, the heat, the sunburn, the horrid conditions made it all worth while!
Here was our caption: "Twilight" fan Emma Preston, left, of Runcorn, England, looks on as Nessa C. of Ontario, Calif. , holds out cupcakes decorated with star Robert Pattinson as they wait for Thursday's "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" premiere in Los Angeles, Wednesday, June 23, 2010."
Take a look at one of our "famous" AP Wire photos that is circulating all over the net! This was one of our first media pictures we had taken. If you actually do a search of Emma Preston you will see that this photo made it in tons of papers across the world! That's me, Nessa, carrying the famous ROBcakes that were bought/made by the wonderful Megan ( @meggst ) Isn't she the greatest?! Thanks Meggs, your ROBcakes are famous! Thanks for feeding the Sisterhood!
Caption 2: "Twilight" fan Emma Preston of Runcorn, England, works on a sign as she waits for Thursday's "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" premiere at Nokia Plaza in Los Angeles, Wednesday, June 23, 2010." "England" was featured yet again as she worked on her ECLIPSE painting! If you notice closesly, the "The Great Wall of Rob" appears in the background.
Shay & Jenielle Take Over OUR Tent! This is Shay and Jenielle! We met these crazy bitches last year and they are a blast! They pledged into the sisterhood and have been part of the California Chapter representing Palmdale! So it looks like they wanted their 15 minutes of fame as well! So they jumped into MY TENT with MY Twilight Gear that you see in the pic and got their moment of fame as well! LOL! I love these girls! Did you notice our ROB SHANTY TOWN? Our group lived in ROB SHANTY TOWN that consisted of; "The Fort", "The Taj Ma Rob", "The Grand Robyan" & more! We had Rob plastered allllll over our homes to show our support to "TEAM EDWARD"!
And now the moment we were alllllllll waiting for......THE ECLIPSE RED "BLACK" CARPET PREMIERE! Everyone looked great despite the HEAT shining one! I tried to capture some of our moments on the carpet especially with Rob, Kristen and Kellan! "England" interacts with some of the cast and also apparently gets a motorboat from ROB PATTINSON! Lucky girl, she also managed to sock him in the jaw...lol!
THEN if things couldn't get ANY BETTER......WE WON TICKETS INTO THE PREMIERE! Yes, you heard right, we WON tickets to watch The Twilight Saga: ECLIPSE with everyone else! OMG, this was truly one of the best moments of this year! I honestly felt like singing, "I GOT THE GOLDEN TICKET!" We were amped & ready to go!
Seriously, the movie was great! But we will talk more about that later! Hope you enjoyed a little of my story, if you want to hear more contact me!
Check it out and enjoy! I also posted my pics on Facebook so if you are interested...you can contact my twitter @TwiSisterhood or vanessa@twilightsisterhood.com! Send me a message!
JOIN THE SISTERHOOD! Tons of exciting things always happening!
Yes Twilight Sisterhood ventured out to the Twilight Saga: Eclipse premiere. We've braved tent city, Lakers parade, & L.A. Live. Here's some pics of the Eclipse Premiere, taken by moi. Enjoy and have fun!!
My Kellan shirt....thanks to @MeggsT for braving the looks to get this shirt made for me. I think I need more Kellan shirts....I'm just sayin'!
This is Emma aka England aka @zoomage, she's really from England! We were happy she flew out from England to spend time with TS in tentcity. And she's a Kellan fan, how could you not love her?
Alex looking HOT!
Broxton much cuter than last year.
Dear David Slade,
Thank you for not fucking up Eclipse.
xoxo, Tammy
Cameron....is he legal yet? For now I will say....
"Hello, Handsome!"
It's safe to say Nikki Reed gets prettier and prettier every year. I loved her tattoos!
Ok ladies prepare yourselves, its fuckhot Kellan! That's right, he may have forgotten to come back to the fans after flashing his underwear but with that dark hair.....lets just say for the first time, I was truly and utterly jealous of Anna McCord! Lucky skag! *Drool*
That smile is just yummy....he's makes me whimper....
It's Ruby Jeris who played Ruby from Remember Me.
She was so sweet and surprised people wanted her autograph.
Ms. Dakota Fanning
Anna Kendrick
No need to adjust your screen that us Ron Artest, from the Los Angeles Lakers....in between promoting his new single, he stopped by the Eclipse premiere.
Ok....please cross your legs....its ROBERT PATTINSON TIME!!!
Look at the smile.....
So many fans and only 1, Rob! But I love the fact he would try to sign and take pictures with everyone.
Taylor Lautner....didn't get many photos of him....my camera was starting to die.
Jackson Rathbone!
So weird to have pictures of him NOT performing with 100 Monkeys.
FINALLY! One of the days we have been waiting for! Can I just say, Kristen looked absolutely gorgeous?! She did amazing in all her interviews and she seemed more at ease than ever. I enjoyed her interaction with the fans, in spite of the "fan incident." If you didn't hear, someone (whether by accident or not) marked Kristen on her face with a sharpie. This happened shortly after she had arrived and had started signing autographs, etc with the fans. She was asked about it and was very nice about the whole thing, but I'm totally girl crushing on her. Rob managed to pull off a maroon suit and Taylor looked handsome in his suit as well. I think the whole cast look pretty good overall. People had mixed feelings about Nikki's dress, but I thought it was cute. Ashley looked great also, but she definitely looked better at last year's premiere. Kellan looked hot and even showed the fans his CK underwear. :) The only complain I truly have is that Jackson wasn't really interviewed. He was brushed off it seemed. Just about everyone from the cast got interviewed, but I never once saw Jackson!! :( Terrible. Anyway, the night ended on a high note for some of our sisters who scored screening tickets, got to hug Rob and even shake his hand. AMAZING!! I'm so happy for all of those who went and had a great time and seeing the cast made it all worthwhile! :) Good job ladies!! xoxox.