After half a life as a model, 25-year-old Noot Seear is now a vampire. And not just any vampire: a Twilight vampire, the true proof of immortality, film and otherwise. In the forthcoming New Moon, the second installment in the rabidly popular teen series, Seear plays Heidi, a crazy-hot bloodsucker who lures tourists to her coven. When we sat down with her, the British Columbia native admitted she's more grunge than Goth. She spilled a few details about her show-stopping scene in the film. She told us the amusing story behind her name. And she assured us she's not going to let a childhood full of embarrassing Halloween costumes get in her way.
DARRELL HARTMAN: So, what did you have to do to look the part?
NOOT SEEAR: I didn't tan for two months. It was awful, and totally unnecessary because they painted me white anyway. And I had these crazy contacts that I couldn't see through. It was like skiing in a total snowstorm. I could see about two feet in front of me.
DH: What about the wardrobe?
NS: It was this red, flowy dress with high gloves and big old heels.
DH: A dress? It's a miniskirt in the book.
NS: I know! I didn't get to show much leg.
DH: Heidi's scene, in the book at least, is short but awesome. Tell me about filming it.
NS: The sets were breathtaking. Huge, like palace-sized. I think the scariest part for me, out of the whole day, was that they had given me lines to practice, and when I showed up they gave me completely different lines. I freaked out. Dan [Cudmore] was like, "Calm down, it's okay." They're so protective over the script. But it was really cool because the day I shot everyone was there: Dakota, Rob, Kristen. I got to meet everyone and they were so nice to me. I was scared they were going to not be nice.
DH: You were just at Comicon to promote New Moon, right?
NS: It was amazing. I think it was that point where it actually hit me, what a big production I'm involved in.
DH: What did it, exactly?
NS: The screaming. The pitch of the screams. I've never heard screaming that loud, by so many girls, at once. There would be screaming, and then if Rob would just move his hair or Jacob would gesture to someone, the pitch would go up a little.
DH: Did anyone recognize you when you walked through the convention center at Comicon?
NS: No, but I was with a couple people from the cast, and they had to wear disguises. Like, wigs and glasses and hats.
DH: And it worked?
NS: Yes! Surprisingly.
DH: Was Robert Pattinson with you?
NS: No, he didn't stay. But he would have to wear disguises, yes, or he would get swarmed by screaming women.
DH: And were any of the fanboys, Trekkies, etc. surprised to see a fashion model there browsing comic books?
NS: Not really. I think they were so amazed by the video games and new high-tech toys that the last thing on their mind was a pretty girl.
The rest of the interview can be found at the SOURCE.
She seems kinda... shallow and silly, in my opinion. Why are they making a big deal out of this role? Doesn't she just walk in herding a bunch of tasty humans? Am I being bitchy? (Answer: probably.) *shrug*
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