Why doesn't my real life recognize the fact that I need to have time for fic? ::shakes head::

RATED: M for adult themes and sexual content
::FF.net:: ::Twilighted Forum::
Summary: A reclusive, idiosyncratic composer and a beautiful, eclectic dog walker cross paths for six months without ever meeting. What happens when they work up the courage to talk to each other? BxE, AU/AH *Rated M for some mouth trash and lemonade*
Poetry. That's all I have to say about this fic. Anna writes the way music is played; organically, viscerally, soulfully.
Edward is a somewhat reclusive and eccentric musician who develops a fixation on the dog walker he sees three times a week. In true obsessive compulsive fashion, he orchestrates his days to the minute in order to catch brief glimpses of her; never trusting himself to speak or look at her longer than five seconds. (Literally.) He is almost as rigid in his routine as he is in his self-loathing.
Conversely, Bella is what I would describe as a free spirit; taking on odd jobs here and there to get by but never settling down fully into routine. She, too, becomes fixated on Edward and is touched by his music.
It is only five chapters in, but there is such a depth to this story; the characters are real - they are not cookie-cutter caricatures; they are beautifully flawed and intense and Edward especially squeezes the heart in my chest with his passion and self-loathing.
I have not yet read the latest update, but word on the street is it's steamy. There might be an elevator involved. Either way, I am completely on board with ManicWard and Hippiella get down to business.

RATED: M for mature themes and sexual content
::FF.net:: ::Twilighted:: ::Simply Twilight:: ::Twilighted Forum::
Summary: When everything turns to dust and falls apart at the seams, the only way out, may be the only way in. The path you know might not be the easiest, but it might also be the only one you need. AH/OOC Dark Themes
You may or may not know this about Boo, but she is slightly anti-canon pairings. And by canon pairings I mean Edward and Bella. So when she told me she was writing an E/B fic I about lost my mind in excitement.
So I moseyed on over to the prologue and BAM! She broke my heart. Angst fest ahoy. Delicious, confusing, cryptic angst. The kind that has you yelling 'what the HELL just happened!' at your monitor and hounding the author relentlessly for an update. (Or maybe that was just me...)
So. It's a little dark and twisty right now. But it is beautifully written; the words at times stark and painful, at others beautifully nostalgic. She is truly a master at weaving together the past and the present, of comparing them side by side, the nuances giving subtle indicators as to why and how things are occurring.
And she's promised me that it will have an HEA. And maybe... possibly... something happening... on a train...
Suddenly the angst doesn't seem so bad.
Please go read these fics, they are wonderful and in my opinion not getting the recognition they deserve. And then come back and let's talk.
Until next week, kids...
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