You might have already heard that Twilight star Peter Facinelli wasn't deterred from coming to Portland, Oregon this weekend - to sign autographs for fans and visit the children of Doernbecher Children's Hospital - by the closing of the Talking Twilight Convention.
His experience in visiting the children at Doerbecher's was unforgettable, it seems. Said he in a tweet:
The courage I saw in the faces of these sick children is something I will never forget. Their smiles were stronger than any disease. Even the sickest of the group I met were determined that yesterday be a good day. I spent the morning with them in awe of their strength. Not only their strength but the strength of their family members supporting them. It made me very aware how much health is taken for granted. I pray they win their fight and can return home again soon.
Facinelli's four hour autograph signing, too, was a success. According to him, over $5,000 was raised for the hospital by the signing alone.
I was so affected by what I saw yesterday morning, and so inspired by those children, their families, and all who came out in support, that I have decided to personally match that $5000.00. Doernbecher's Children's Hospital will be receiving $10,000 due to our collaborative efforts this weekend.
Finally, Facinelli also talked about filming for The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, stating "Tomorrow, more fight training."
As always, then, Facinelli's philanthrophic efforts serve as a fantastic guidepost for us all.
Thanks to our friend Amanda at the Examiner for the Article
ok I teared up. I love Peter!!