When the sisterhood first ventured out, veteran blogging site Confession of a TwiCrack Head helped us out, and we want to pay it forward to the newbie Twilight Bloggers. Like Chris Weitz said, "Its sharing information and keeping the frenzy going."
This weeks guest in the Newborn Corner is…..
With ALL the hype leading up to the release of Eclipse on June 30th, 2010, one blog that you should be following is Twilight Eclipse! This is your #1 source for all things relating to The Twilight Saga: Eclipse and the stars, movie news, and gossip that surround it.
This site is devoted to the third installment in the Twilight Saga, and provides fans and followers with up-to-date news and information (not to mention some pretty STEAMY photos).
Once the Eclipse trailer is released (which hopefully is any day now) you can bet that Twilight Eclipse will have it posted within seconds, along with other highly anticipated movie news!
So check out this newborn blog, and get your Eclipse fix by becoming a fan of...

* Follow Twilight Eclipse on Twitter @twilightbyus*
looks like a cool site!
Defintely lovin their blog!! WTG ladies! Excellent!! Thanks Miss Twishopper for this segment, you are doing a fabulous job!!!!