When it comes to the Twilight Sisterhood we always try to help a sister in need, and this includes the land of blogging. As you will see we have a list of blogs we enjoy and encourage everyone to check them out, but what we want to do is really spotlight the newbies in the blogging world.
When the sisterhood first ventured out, veteran blogging site Confession of a TwiCrack Head helped us out, and we want to pay it forward to the newbie Twilight Bloggers. Like Chris Weitz said, "Its sharing information and keeping the frenzy going."
This weeks guest in the Newborn Corner is…..
Now I know what you're thinking... "Rob is NOT the devil, why would you choose a blog like that?!" But after careful evaluation (and deep analyzing) I finally got what was so great about this blog, and that is ORIGINALITY!!
This blog has everything from FanFiction (warning: adult rated!) to some of the most creative Rob-inspired pictures I have seen. It's a blog entirely devoted to Robert Pattinson, and all the things that we Robsessed fans think in our heads, but maybe are too scared to say allowed.
The blog is written and created by two wicked minds: Lost and Fallen. Both contribute to the blog, and both have very distinct opinions on all things Rob. They state, "You see, I was once taught that the Devil is NOT actually a mischievous, red man with a trident and badass goatee. No. The Devil was once described to me by a person of faith as being the ultimate master of disguise, completely intoxicating, utterly perfect. If you were to meet the Devil, you would see ‘ the most beautiful and perfect creature you have ever seen…and he would be completely irresistible’ to you." Thus giving you, Rob Is The Devil.
My favorite Robsessed photo, courtesy of @Neesie31 ,from Rob Is The Devil:

Check out this blog, and see why Rob truly is the devil, from the minds and mouths of Lost and Fallen.